Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oddly Reminiscing Amongst Future Conclusions.

       Sometimes, we go on living. Moving. Ahead. Going. Forward. But, there's those random times when we oddly look back- and inspire our own selves all over again.  I do this with so many things:   Notes I've jotted down during a sermon, information pages I've written about myself when I was dreadfully tired, and even pictures that I've collected and have completely forgotten about. 
       --I'm going to be honest, and tell you all now, that I truly have a bit of a hoarding problem. And I mean it. I mean, Really. With EVERYTHING. Mainly fashion things. Buttons. Clothes. Clothing tags. Jewelry, Fashion magazines. Music. Pictures. Drawings on papers from, like, the 2nd grade. Receipts. ←THAT's THE HUGE ONE. YEAH. Bigger problem than the Scarves.  
       Oh, and the up-to-date number on the scarves: 283.
       But back to the point, I've kept these things, in thoughts that I might need them one day, or, just thought they were inspiring, and fabulous. But I recently was forced to go through a de-cluttering intervention. THAT's WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR. :)
       I threw away receipts from 1998. My friends forced me to, but... I mean, c'mon.  Enough said.. WHAT WAS I BUYING IN 1998 THAT WOULD BE SO IMPORTANT TO KEEP RECORD OF??  A $0.25 PACK OF GUM???? 
       But, even though this large number of all of my things were overwhelming, it was all so awe-inspiring as well.  Almost all of my life, I have kept to things that clearly point to what I just recently decided I wanted to CONTINUE to do with the rest of my life. Fashion.  I knew in 2ND GRADE what I loved more than I realized 2 WEEKS ago.
       And all of this reflection made me realize one thing.  I will need 0.0000% of this when I'm looking God in the face. I'll need none of it when HE asks me how I used my given talent to sweep the Fashion world by Storm. I have no use for materialistic things- except, they make me neat. Sometimes.
       I'll remember the friends that have entered in and out of my life & I will remember how they have inspired me and the rather. I will remember the prayers I have prayed & will know which ones were answered with God's perfect timing. I will remember the things I have read & what from those readings I have shared with others because I wanted to change their lives with that little slice of wisdom as well. I WILL remember information, and words spoken and written, laughter, love, so many sunrises, but will forget so many little things. The way it feels to be young, the reason I wrote in my diary from 5th Grade that I liked a kid named Ian, the way it will feel to hug my parents, or even the way it will feel to smile with MY OWN teeth.  God lasts forever, though. Longer than any of US can even imagine. Longer than a Fad, a Style, a Runway Show. Longer than you & I. HE is sooo big, yet we are so small. God is beautiful. I aspire to be like HIS Son more and more everyday... so that I can be neat. All the time.
       But, I suppose that's what comes, from oddly reminiscing amongst Future Conclusions...

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