Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A West Virginia Christmas: 2011

The looming mist rolls in amongst the cracks and crevices of the happy valley; the sun reflects off the slow trickling stream. The West Virginia hills pour out in a never ending gush of braided land- weaving and tossing, with only a few leaves hanging on with the last breath of fall to what was once an eyefull of color, but now- only sparce, sickly twigs.
The promise of snow is only a rumor but the nights are still silent; clear with what should be unique snowflakes making rest on the sloppy mudmess of ground. Joy rings in with only quick glimpses of sunlight as smiles peek onto the faces of you and I.
Families gather and come home. Gift exchanging only echos what should be the Spirit of the holiday- grace and giving- but is lost in translation..
God joined us on a Silent night. He stepped off His throne and joined time. He grew as a man, and died for this world. How unworthy are we? What a gracious servant! How great such a thing? Born of a virgin, in a manger- a small, healthy, glorius wee child. Our Savior! Papa God, your mind truly is beyond our own. You are an AMAZING God.
We celebrate this holiday to be reminded of this- His sacrifice, beauty, and grace. His entering into this world- our time. His adventure on earth for us..
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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