Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mid-afternoon cravings..

I crave to be more free spirited, yet more responsible.
I crave to be more gentle, yet more bold.
I crave to be more physically fit, yet have a freer schedule.
I crave to be more beautiful, yet try less.
I crave to be more adventurous, yet study harder.
I crave to be more wise, yet stay young.
I crave to be more fashionable, yet keep a budget.
I crave to finish a book, yet I fall asleep while reading.
I crave to change the world, yet live in nature.
I crave to keep a social life, yet spread my self thicker.
I crave for more people to know the real me, yet I continue to perform.
I crave to keep old friendships alive, yet constantly meet new people.
I crave to be more spontaneous, yet more mature.
I crave to be more elegant, yet I walk around with bruises.
I crave to live a life for God, and, there is nothing's stopping me..

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