Tuesday, February 19, 2013

They, are Adventurers...

There's a particular breed out there; a peculiar one..
They look at things upside down, and inside out.
The aren't afraid to turn a new leaf, and often times, go back to turn an old one.
They literally stop to smell the roses, and are known, a time or two, to blow the parachutes and seeds off a dandelion.
They get their feet wet. Muddy, even.
They stay up so late their days bleed together and become littered with indistinguishable sunrises and sunsets.
They, awe-inspired, look straight up to the sky even more than they look down into the micro-depths of the ground.
They put more miles behind them than pictures taken, both of which are not small amounts.
They fear little, and laugh often.
"Over the river and through the woods" is yesterday's news; today prepares for bigger things.
Common subject matter: trees, leaves, rocks, waterfalls, mountains, stars, clouds, caves, lakes, wild animals, trying new things, hiking, hole in the wall restaurants, all things abandoned or broken down or grown over or rusting, trespassing, back alleys, reflections, rain, snow, fog, living on the edge, spontaneity, tripods and lenses and flashes, planes and trains and automobiles, state borders, passports, back roads, the abyss, chance, innovation and new perspectives.
They are never trapped within a dull moment and choose to sleep only when they're dead.
They are prepared for anything. And if they aren't, they improvise with what they packed or have in their trunk.
They stay young and embrace change as much as the world chooses to revolve.
Viewed as reckless, but interpreted as bold. Brave. Willing to accept risk.
Amidst danger, crisis, emergency, near-death experiences: they thrive.
No day is ever the same.
Time is thrown out the window: a clock? ...What is THAT?
They make memories that last a lifetime, and then some.
What they do is not glamorous, but a way of life..