Saturday, May 5, 2012

One EPIC Love Story...

     A lot of stories begin with "Once upon a time.." and end with "..happily ever after." 
But, there's a love story written to me. For me. About me. An EPIC one.  It's actually written to you, too. And it doesn't begin with "once upon a time..". It begins with the making of the universe. And it doesn't end with "happily ever after." It simply, just, doesn't end. That's right. It goes on and on, forever.
And it's actually a love story. What's in a love story that makes it so desirable? Is it that ooey-gooey feeling that you get in the bottom of your heart, or that flittery-fluttery feeling in the middle of your stomach? Is it that promise of dedication from the other person? That promise that they'll be there forever and ever? Through thick and thin? Is it the desirable hot sex? Or the slow love-making? Is it the giggling and running through the rain? The staying up all night just to stare your lover in the eyes and have infinite great conversations? ..What is it?
An earthly fairy tale love story. Why? Those get hard. And sloppy. And unfortunate. And they, most times, end. The ooey-gooey, flittery-fluttery feelings slowly decrease. The dedication gets cut out by busyness and life-obstacles. The hot sex stops, and the love-making becomes less and more meaningless. We become tired and conversations become silent.
But, God's love story to us. It's more than we have or can ever imagine. Love. Unfailing, unending love. Only increasing and becoming more amazing and more intense with time. The maker of the stars, the creator of the universe- loves us! He wants to know and love us personally.
...Is that NOT enough to call you to fall to your knees in praise and thankfulness? I mean, how beautiful is that? How awesome that God was so loving that He decided to join time for a little over three decades, and live with us??!?! And suffer like us? And love us? And show us how to love, and be loved? Christ DIED for us! God, in the human form, took our punishment for sin- out of love. His Father turned away from him and he felt the wrath of the punishment for every sin that you and I and anyone else that was to ever walk this earth, committed.
Everyone lately has been repetitively mentioning that actions speak louder than words.
They do.
So why are you still standing there with your ears oped to Man's empty praise, and eyes closed to the love and grace that's right in front of you?
..A perfect Man, DIED FOR YOU. Is that not Action enough?
 Is that not love?  The ultimate sacrifice. One perfect life for broken one? Wow. That's love.
He has loved me. And now, I am called to love like He has loved me.
I am to love God with all of my heart and with all of my soul and with all of my mind and with all of my strength.
It's the most important commandment, love. It's the basis of a good life. Example: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Okay. Simple. Right? 
That's HUGE.
Do you even comprehend what this world would actually look like if people really did that? I mean, every single person. This culture, this world, this society- we are "me" focused.  Media, products, money, families. All of it: "me". Even down to the last drop of survival. We tend to put ourselves above everyone else.
Could you imagine if people just went out and bought new cars, ...and gave it to their neighbor? Or, if someone bought dinner at that new little restaurant that sits on the corner, and had it bagged up elegantly, and gave it to a beggar?  Could you imagine if every time that Apple came out with new products, instead of showering ourselves with their sinfully tempting selection of phones, music players, stereos, and computers- that we would just drop them off at Tiny Tim's or Little Suzy's house because that don't have a way to do their homework otherwise?  
How far away from reality is that? But, why? Why is even just the idea of that, so, ..laughable?  Why has "me" become so stinkin' important?  If Jesus' mindset was "me", do you think that he would have just died for us? Do you think that we would have a golden ticket to eternity? NO. Of course not! He would have spent his days on earth clothed in fine linens and adorning in the fact that people came from everywhere to worship him and wash his feet with precious oils. He would have lived up the attention and shunned those in exile. He would have cared about what man thought of him and he would have taken advantage of God and attempted to test his Father. He would have turned away the blind because he could see that they were and He would have pretended not to even see the lame. He would have lived in a lovely home and attempted the American dream, right? And he certainly would have not died for us.
But for some reason that we can not even begin to grasp our little minds around- we trust that He did. He did love us. He loved us that much. He inspired a love story, provided the words, had it recorded, re-recorded, passed down, protected, and perfectly packaged in a pretty way- right into your hands for you to read about what He did for you.
I mean, this book- it's kinda INCREDIBLE.
Action, murder, kindness, idolizing, war, peace, applicable and relatable advice, mystery, marriage, romance, fear, gentleness, lying, goodness, drama, and Love.
And it's written to you. For for. About you.
It's the Bible.
The God-breathed love story inspired by You.
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The Game of Learning & Listening.

     Isn't it interesting, how those who we think we have the largest impact on- have the largest impact on us?  ..I attempt to spend my time reading, and learning, and growing, and sharing, and caring, and loving. 
     Every book I choose to read, becomes me. Every page I write- I crave to share. I want to be able to give those that don't have as much as me, what I have. I want people to love to learn, and to learn to love as I do. I want to share my passion and joy for God with every person I know.
     With the help of God, I can do that. I can talk about Jesus and not be ashamed because He gives me the strength and the faith and the words. 
     You learn a lot when you turn your life around for God. You just, live for Him- fully aware that God will provide you with everything you're going to need here on Earth, and then He'll bless you with eternity, after our brief adventure here- after our battle has been won. I have changed my lifestyle, my passions, and my attitude.
     One would be surprised how different it is learning compared to teaching. And when people are aware that you have wisdom that is beyond you- they seek you out for it. Boy oh buddy do they seek you out. Friends of young, aged, new, and rekindled. They see something inside of you and they crave it.  ..They can't quite put their finger on it- but they know you're different; that you have something that so many others don't have.
It's God.   It's the wisdom of the Spirit. It's the protection of Faith, the love of a Living God.  They don't know that- but you do.
     People can see my joy radiating from across rooms; people see that I'm different- in some odd way. I, am set-apart. But only in the way that I am in Love with a God that is jealous for me and that wants my every thought, desire, hope, passion, and breath. I am at peace. Content. I am blessed with wisdom of the Word- not the world.
     I get so excited to share stories of the Bible that relate to people's current situations. Who knew that the Old Book had new tricks?  Who knew that it's intensity, can scare the Hell out you? ;)
     Several people have sought me out, and it excites me to be able to share and teach and encourage others- but while I am teaching others, they teach me more than they could know.
     I have learned this in almost every life situation. Growing up I was gifted in having the opportunities of sharing and teaching my siblings- especially my twin-but-still-younger brother, Adam. Also, in classes when the teachers were speaking "jibberish". And most vividly-when Discipling three incredible Friends that have become beautiful Brothers and Sisters in Christ, that I could not have been more blessed to have. Being able to teach the Gospel to another is one of the most rewarding and incredible feelings one could ever imagine. The growth that comes from that! When you say it out loud- because you know it by faith enough to teach another, it teaches you, again and again! And never siezes to amaze!!!! ..And when they say it back to you because they've understood it, and then you are allowed the experience to witness them witnessing it- THOSE are the moments God shows His grace.   He saved you. He saved them. He saves others. And ONLY by His power and grace was that done. How beautiful!
     When you hear a single concept for the first time, you kinda get it. ..But when you TEACH it, it truly sinks in. It clicks. It's means SO much more.
     It also recently clicked that one can learn even more when listening. Seems like a simple enough concept, eh? ..But the trick- is actually listening! ..Living and experiencing those feelings right along with the one teaching it or saying it. So much knowledge is to be had, and in so many forms!
     How odd is it that not everyone is in your head? Ha. Yeah. I actually honestly struggle with this... We become so self-centered and become stuck in our own minds, that we forget to have a Christ-like mindset at all, and we stop listening to others.
     Word of mouth is so vital! We listen with ears open and eyes peeled when others are describing awful things or negative experiences. Why do we shut down when those around us are trying to help or when God's practically doing violent jumping-Jack's right infront of our faces?
     Why do we make "quiet-time" (time spent just listening/reflecting with God) so taboo? Why are we so afraid of shutting out the unimportant world just to listen to our Creator? The one who knows what He's doing, that's been there- done that, has a couple miracles up His sleeve, and is the best advice giver EVER? "
     Why don't we listen anymore? Are we too busy talking? Showing the world who WE are? That we're unique because WE think so? That we're better than those before and than those who will come? Do we think we have the best things to say, or the most exciting things to talk about?
     ....What were you talking about 11 days, 7 hours, and 4 minutes ago?   ..Was it even important? Was it relevant? Was it glorifying God? Was it contributing to your witness? Or was it self-glorifying? Were you talking about a bad meal from a crummy restaurant, or complaining about your job, or how exhausted you were, or that you hate Facebook's new un-friendly user format?
     Are we listening to those around us? Perhaps their stories can be inspirations! Perhaps they can help you out with what you're struggling through, because they've been through that, learned, and grew from that because Papa God helped them through it! Maybe their perspective is captivating. Perhaps God has whispered a little more wisdom to them through their quiet times. Perhaps they're going to be the next person to inspire you and help you to turn your entire way of thinking- your entire life, your eternity- in a better direction because they are living a more fruitful lifestyle contantly glorifying God. Perhaps they can help you see the one you desperately desire in your heart is the same reason you're trying to fill the void in your heart with things.  ...But you won't listen. You keep talking about you and everything else.  ..Meaningless, meaningless. Everything is meaningless! ..Unless it is to glorify God.
   Those whom we least expect, often shock us- when we give them the chance to.  When we listen, and learn from them. When we take what we learn and share it. When we are vividly learning how to better serve our God and how to do it a little wiser than what we've been doing. When we let God be our eyes, and hands, and feet, and words, and actions, and open heart. When we crave to be more like Him, and He is craving to reveal a little more of His grace to us every single day.
     Life is full of resources. It's full of unanswered things and it's meant to be. It is jam-packed with people you want to aspire to be, and those who you will inspire via your passion for Christ.
     If you crave to have Christ in your heart- if you crave to have an open heart for Him- He craves to love you. He craves to show you everything you can be through Him. He wants you to have the incredible gift of eternity to look forward to when life is rough. He wants you to be inspired by others whom He has created. He wants you to delight in Him.. He wants you to tell Him that you want to. He wants you to come to Him broken. Christ LOVES tricky puzzles! :D
     ..Like a clay pot that falls to the floor and breaks, Papa God- the Creator, the Artist- then picks up the broken pieces, and puts us back together again: wetting down the clay, changing the heart of it, and sculpting us into something even more beautiful than we could imagine..
     God has placed certain people in your life to inpire you to see Him. To draw you closer to Him. To help you to understand ever so slightly what He will look like when we will be looking at His beautiful face for eternity! He has allowed you to be inspired by those whom you least expect to let you witness how humorous and creative He is, and to show you that He has things planned out. Things just don't, ..happen- so we have to be engaged in the game of learning and listening. If not, we might loose the chance to be inspired and see a little more of God.

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