Sunday, July 10, 2011

Thought Processes...

     It's interesting, how every single person, sees they're own view of the world. How many people are on Earth today?  -7 Billion, or something?  Yeah. Crazy awesome. But God has made us to do so. He has given us the past, the elements, the environment, the potential. Every single one of us.  But one of the most interesting things, is that God has also been re-created almost as many times as there are humans, as well.  Because we are all different, we all think of God differently.
     But God Is.  He created us. We can't create Him. We can seek Him. The more we seek Him with our hearts, the more we will find Him.  He's always been there. Waiting for us to take whatever it is that He's offering us with an open hand. Grace? Joy? Peace? It's there. 
     So many try to create God- without studying Him, and learning about Him, and without seeking Him and His truth.  How is that even acceptable?  We can't just squint our eyes and see the bad.  ..The suffering, the pain, the hypocrisy. We can't do that.  Why are so many people willing to see the bad, without the good?  How is that fair to the God that gave us EVERYTHING He had to offer?  How is that fair when He has created us this world to prepare ourselves for eternity with Him through enjoyment, beauty, nature, song of worship, fellowship, and truth?  How blind are we? 
     As a young human, I'm aware that I was born into a culture that is so accepting of almost anything and everything taboo. And it's so hard for older generations to understand why we are so accepting and open minded about it.  It's because we have been blinded. We are consumed into a media-saturated society that it makes everything unusual- accepted, and makes "the ideal look" something that is so unobtainable and filthy.
     It's hard for me to grasp the concept that so many people think that there isn't even a God. They believe that we just "are" and we live- life sucks- and then we die.  Whoo-hoo. Yups. That'll help me get up every morning. That's the kind of attitude that'll make the world a better place. That'll promote joy and peace and enjoyment. It'll definately motivate me to live life to the fullest for nothing.  Whoo......hoo.   It's sad, really.      
     Maybe people seek God for some peace of mind. Yes. Is that a Terrible thing? Is it odd that people know where to go to find relief from this world and worldly things?  Why is that thought an awful thing?  Yes. God is peace, and light, and love- but there's hard things in the mix too. Life as a Christian isn't all sugar cookies, and rainbows.  Ask anyone that lives their life to glorify God.  It's hard. Then it gets harder.  But man, is it SO worth it!!! 
     The group of people that I grew up around and continue to seek worldly fellowship with- they judge me so harshly.   Looks are beyond important to them.  If you don't listen to the right kind of music and aren't the right kind of person- they don't accept you.  I mean, a lot of the group accepts me still- but I don't even want to know what they say about me when I leave a room. I certainly don't command earthly popularity or anything even remotely close to it.  They all openly see me as odd, though.. They laugh at me and question me when I wake up in a joyful mood, when I'm loud and friendly, or when I stop to take in how beautiful the sky is. Or when I want to run in the rain, or not pick up any of their addictive habits. 
     But nor do I care.  I am steadfast and strong- but that is how God raised me.  That's how He makes me process the world.  He has blessed me with the attention, appreciation, and time to slow down and enjoy the little things hidden within Him. When I am 77 years old and finally admit to myself that I am aging after all these years- I won't, at all, look back and regret NOT taking the time to enjoy life. Love. Joy. Song. Laughter. Friendship. Nature. The sky. Family. My youth. My health. An ever-growing relationship with Our God. 
     Think God.